Let's hold our fragile world together
gently in our arms
and heal all it's wounds
our precious baby blue
for the love of the earth beneath our feet
for the forests green and the oceans deep
for the water we drink and the air that we breathe
for all the beautiful creatures that be
It's not as hard as it may seem
it's in our hearts and in our minds
like one, yes one
one big beautiful dream
for the love of the earth beneath our feet
for the forests green and the oceans deep
for the water we drink and the air that we breathe
for all the beautiful creatures that be
We can look after this beautiful place
this gorgeous oasis in outer space
never give up
where there's a will there's a way
and I believe we can make it happen
Look at someone next to you
go on see what you can do
there's so much suffering, so much need
too much wasted, too much greed
for the love of the earth beneath our feet
for the forests green and the oceans deep
for the water we drink and the air that we breathe
for all the beautiful creatures that be
I believe we can make it happen
yes, I believe we can make it happen